The World of Bullmastiffs in 2009 en 2010
The fourth issue of 'The World of Bullmastiffs', the bi-annual which covers the worldwide interest in the breed during the years 2009 and 2010, is published in 2012.
- New British breed record holder: Ch Jaynos Big Bopper
- A true ambassador: Ch Ferdhu Rostar
- Drawings of Hilde Kjeldby: Get it right
- Scandinavia’s first qualified Pets and Therapy Dog
- FCI World Dog Show Denmark 2010
- From a mischievous puppy to a Community Companion Dog
- Bullmastiffs in leather and pastel
- Bullmastiff on Danish observation list
- Poem: Our Friend
- The Bullmastiff years 2009 and 2010 in 24 countries
- Champions / Top ten dogs of 2009 and 2010
- Adverts from Bullmastiff breeders
The World of Bullmastiffs in 2009 and 2010
Language: English
€ 59,50